Dry Onion

Lots of layers, lots of flavor. Yellow, Red, and White Varieties.

  • 20% RDA of Vitamin C
  • Onions contain calcium, iron, and have a high protein quality ratio
  • They contain quercetin, which is a flavonoid and category of antioxidants. It helps eliminate free radicals in the body and reduce inflammation
  • Studies have shown regular consumption of allium vegetables can reduce the risk of colon or breast cancer
  • Alliums are particularly rich in prebiotics which help increase the number of friendly bacteria in your gut

Onions are a staple in any gourmet kitchen and are an ingredient a chef must always have close by

10 %
of RDA of Manganese
Per 100g
2.14 g
Dietary Fiber
Per 100g
30 mg
Per 100g
Per 100g

Did You Know?

Onions contain flavonoid quercetin which is anti-inflammatory and inhibits low-density lipoprotein oxidation. This leads to protection from many forms of cancer. They are naturally fat and cholesterol free and have a good source of dietary fiber, potassium, vitamin C and B6. Our farmers cultivate the yellow, red, and white varieties. The differences between these varieties are subtle, but a trained chef will tell you it’s important to use the right onion in your recipe!

An ingredient for the ages

Archeologists have found evidence that onions were used as far back as 5000 B.C in the Bronze Age. Onions are commonly found in the wild and thus were one of the earliest foods humans adopted. They were easily transported and less perishable than other crops, so they were one of the earliest cultivated foods. They prevented thirst and were used in art medicine, and for mumification. Not many other foods have the utility and breadth of the onion.
